Margaret’s Big News

While I was busy on a zoom meeting this morning I got a particularly happy voicemail from my middle sister Margaret. “I’ve got good news. Call me back.” I left my meeting and called Margaret. “Pete and I got married this morning.” Since it was only ten o’clock right then my first question after saying “Hooray!” was what time did you get married?”

“At nine in the morning over video.”

Turns out that in Annapolis the court clerk who would normally be performing marriages down at the court house has been very busy doing nothing but Zoom weddings all day, everyday, for months. This makes getting married very easy.

Margaret getting married is big news in our family. This is a day we have waited for and we are so happy that Margaret is so happy. We have only met Pete once when Russ and I had breakfast with them right before Margaret moved to Annopolis to be closer to each other. We welcome him to our crazy family.

When I called Carter to tell her she asked if there were any photos. I had asked Margaret the same thing, but they forgot to take a photo of themselves on the computer getting married. Thankfully I take photos at everything and took this one at the breakfast with Pete and Margaret.

I am sure Russ has not told him about the support group for people married to anyone with Michie blood (My grandmother’s family), but there will be plenty of time at a future family event to give him the low down on that. For now, we wish Margaret and Pete a lifetime of happiness. Better to find love late than not at all.

2 Comments on “Margaret’s Big News”

  1. Marnie Heck says:

    Thrilled for you Margaret! He is a cutie.

  2. beth says:

    Congrats to all!

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